Skliar Kyiv-Kharkiv bandura

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The Skliar Kyiv-Kharkiv bandura is a bandura designed by Ivan Skliar. It is effectively a Skliar bandura which has been modified to allow Kharkiv style or Kyiv style playing by offsetting the diatonic strings a few inches upwards, such that they can be played at the top (Kharkiv style) or at the bottom (Kyiv style). The chromatic strings begin a few inches below the top but begin higher off the soundboard than the diatonic strings, which allows them to be played as on a Kyiv-style bandura without significantly interfering with Kharkiv-style playing.

Some instruments were made with a mechanism on the bridge for changing keys - only about 6 such instruments exist, 2 of which are owned by Victor Mishalow. There are also instruments without a mechanism which were built with 2 bridges to accommodate offsetting the strings.